Scientific Computing Python

Posted in 09/05/2019

Software project
Software project

Demar’s Engineering Physics students have the opportunity to learn, as early as the first semester of the course, the fastest-growing programming language in the world: the Python language in the course LOM3260 — Scientific Computing in Python. The coordinator of the course, Prof. Dr. Luiz Tadeu Fernandes Eleno, maintains a website with material available to students:

The site was designed as a way to promote and encourage the use of python and free software by the wider community. Therefore, the material is accessible from any device connected to the internet from anywhere.

The site interface is easy to navigate and contains modern code testing features, supported by, so that the user can immediately test python code ideas on the site itself.

Website material is still under development, but the number of complete pages grows by the day. Feedback from course students is very important so that the content of the pages is as didactic as possible, incorporating the most usual doubts of a beginner in programming.

The Demar community hopes that will be a valuable aid to all newcomers in programming who have difficulties in finding quality material in Portuguese.